
soul searching.

Have you ever looked at your self. Really looked at yourself?

I was taking off my ring last night and all I could think was how amazing it is that my hand moves when I want it to. {In all truthfulness, I sat there and kept moving my hand back and forth because it was so fascinating!}

The first thing we see is the outside. The shell that get baked by the summer sun, frozen by the winter wind, poked, pulled, jabbed.... morphed, changed, covered. Whether on purpose or by accident. It is this fleshy surface that so many of us get disgusted with, are ashamed of, base everything on. Our outward appearance helps create our personality, for sure, but that doesn't mean that when all is sad and done we will be judge like life was a beauty contest. For this one part of yourself. I am not saying I walk around think this about my self. Um, no. {Nonsense.} This is a pep-talk for myself as well.

The next part we consider about ourselves is the in-ards. The muscle that inflates, the organs that make us run fast and jump high, the bone structure that apparently makes some of prettier in comparison. These elements can also be altered.

You cannot manufacture a spirit. This part inside of you can't be physically designed or changed. It's the part of us that we can either strive to strengthen OR ignore completely to the point that is becomes dry and unresponsive. But thankfully it is never lost. When I was sitting there moving my hand back and forth.... My initial thoughts of how awesome the brain is moved to thoughts of how I can make this arm do good, make it serve, make it work for the better. That's what I want for myself {and what I hope for everyone}... that I will look beyond my face, my body type, my strength. That I will look into myself and make that part of myself, the part that really matters, good and pure.

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